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Christmas and Cookies Kids Activities

Bakery and Advent Calendar
christmas bakery activities and craft

During the month of December, millions of homes all over the world are decorated with Christmas trees, are smelling of Christmas cookies, and are sparkling with Christmas lights. Children are waiting eagerly for Santa. This year, count down the days to Christmas with your child by creating some special holiday traditions, such as baking cookies, making an Count Down to Christmas Advent Calendar, and playing some fun, simple Christmas inspired games. You’ll find bakery and cookie related ideas and more in this month’s Twiggle Magazine.


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Healthy Facts and Tips

Discuss with children about the food that people like to eat during the holidays, such as candy, cookies, cakes, and dips and chips. Explain that it’s okay to eat these types of foods, but we should eat them in moderation. Here are some tips for healthy eating during the holiday season:

  1. Eat five or six small meals daily.
  2. Eat a light, healthy meal a few hours before the holiday event.
  3. Eat slowly and listen to your hunger cues.
  4. Use only small amounts of sauces and gravies.
  5. Choose your favorite dessert and share it with someone.
  6. Go for a walk with your family after a heavy meal..

Activity: Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?

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Who took the cookies from the cookie jare

What you need:

What you do:

Read Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar by Rozanne Lanczak Williams. Afterwards play the game below with your child. This enjoyable language arts game can be played at home, at school, or even in the car.

Literacy Activity: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

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If you give a mouse a cookie activity

What you need:

Mouse cookie felt story pictures

What you do:

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is a circle story because each event is dependent on the previous event and the story could continue endlessly. Talk about how each event in the story leads to the next event. For example, if you give a mouse a cookie, then the mouse wants a glass of milk. If you give a mouse a glass of milk, then the mouse wants a straw. And so on.

Activity: Cookie Cutter Math

cookie math activity

What you need:

  • Cookie cutters
  • Play dough
  • Sentence strips
  • Black permanent marker

What you do:

Trace patterns on sentence strips with cookie cutters. Laminate strips for extra strength if desired. Let child choose a sentence strip and coordinating cookie cutters. Have child use play dough and the cookie cutters to make several cookie cutouts. Then have child place the cutouts on the sentence strip. Encourage child to read the pattern.

Game: Bread Basket Upset

prescool baker game

What you need:

  • pictures of various types of bakery items such as breads, rolls, muffins, bagels, cupcakes, pies, etc

What you do:

Have children form a circle and have one child in the middle of the circle be the baker. Have available pictures of various types of bakery items such as breads, rolls, muffins, bagels, cupcakes, pies, etc. Give a picture to each child in the circle. To play the game, the baker calls out the name of a bakery item. The children holding that particular type of bakery item exchange places. The game continues. When the baker calls out, “Bread Basket Upset,” all the children must exchange places, including the baker. The child who is unable to find a place is the new baker.

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Movement Activities

picture of Lilly jumping rope

Christmas Activity

Play a game of “Drop Santa’s Hat” with your children, a game similar to “Drop the Hankie.” Have children stand in a circle facing each other.

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baker and cookies activites and lessons

Bakery and Cookies
Crafts and Activities


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