Pet Games, Rhymes, and Songs
Pet Song and Movements

Children will develop gross motot skills.
Children will follow directions.
- None
View more pet rhymes and songs
With your child, recite this fun rhyme and make the movements together.
The Pets Go . . .
(Tune: The Ants Go Marching)
The dogs go running one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The dogs go running one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The dogs go running one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go running round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!Extensions:
The bunnies go hopping two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The bunnies go hopping two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The bunnies go hopping two by two,
The little one stops to tie his shoe
And they all go hopping round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The cats go climbing three by three, hurrah, hurrah
The cats go climbing three by three, hurrah, hurrah
The cats go climbing three by three,
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go climbing round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The mice go scurrying four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The mice go scurrying four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The mice go scurrying four by four,
The little one stops to shut the door
And they all go scurrying round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The parrots go flying five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The parrots go flying five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The parrots go flying five by five,
And they all go flying round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The fish go swimming six by six, hurrah, hurrah
The fish go swimming six by six, hurrah, hurrah
The fish go swimming six by six,
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go swimming round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The snakes go slithering seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah
The snakes go slithering seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah
The snakes go slithering seven by seven,
The little one stops to pray to heaven
And they all go slithering round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The horses go galloping eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah
The horses go galloping eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah
The horses go galloping eight by eight,
The little one stops to shut the gate
And they all go galloping round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The turtles go walking slowly nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah
The turtles go walking slowly nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah
The turtles go walking nine by nine,
The little one stops to check the time
And they all go walking slowly round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The hermit crabs go skittering sideways ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The hermit crabs go skittering sideways ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The hermit crabs go skittering sideways ten by ten,
The little one stops to say “THE END”
And they all go skittering sideways round and round
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
Additional Pet Songs and Books
Move Like a Pet
Ask children to take turns thinking of a pet they have seen or own and show how that pet looked when it was sleeping, excited, or frightened. Encourage all children to move like the animal. Make the pet sounds to the movement.
Cat Play
Play a recording of “Alley Cat” or listen to some of the songs of the musical Cats. Invite children to pretend that they are cats. Have then walk like cats, arch up their backs, pounce, play with balls of string or yarn, purr, or curl up like cats in the sun.

Movement Activities

Dog Bone Shape Hop
Cut out large dog bone shapes from colored paper. Laminate them and cut them out. Place them on the floor and ask children to hop from one shape to another. These may also be used as seat markers for group time.

This Little Kitty
Author Unknown
(Start by holding up all 5 fingers.)
This little kitty said, “I smell a mouse.”
(Take one finger away.)
This little kitty said, “Let’s hunt through the house.”
(Take next finger away.)
This little kitty said, “Let’s go creepy creep.” (Pretend to creep with next finger, then take it away.)
This little kitty said, “Is the mouse asleep?”
(Pretend to be asleep, then take next finger away.)
This little kitty said, “Meow, meow, I saw him go through this hole just now.”
Take last finger away.)