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Graduation Snack Ideas

Graduation Recipes

Graduation Cap Cupcakes and Other Snacks
Graduation snacks ideas


Children will enjoy eating a delicious snack.


  • Ingredients will vary.

Graduation Cap Cupcakes


Cake mix
Graham crackers
Fruit leather
Food coloring

What you do:

Follow directions on cake mix box for making cupcakes. (Bake cupcakes in a greased muffin tin.) Turn baked cupcakes upside down on a cookie sheet. Add food coloring (school colors) to frosting. Spread frosting on cupcake sides and top. Frost the graham cracker cap and place on top of cupcake. To create the tassel, tightly roll a small piece of fruit leather. Cut fringe on one end and attach to middle of cap with a dab of frosting. Add an M&M to create a finished look.

Diploma Sandwich Wraps


Sandwich wrap or tortilla
Sandwich fillings

What you do:

Cut the edges off a sandwich wrap or a tortilla to create a square shape. Spread with favorite sandwich ingredients, such as lettuce, chopped tomatoes, sliced olives, lunchmeats, hummus, etc. Roll wrap tightly and tie with a ribbon to resemble a diploma.

Graduation Punch


One 2 1/2 ounce can frozen concentrated fruit juice
3 two-liter bottles ginger ale
1 quart vanilla ice cream or lime sherbet
Punch bowl or large pitcher

What you do:

Pour thawed fruit juice into a punch bowl or large pitcher. Slowly add ginger ale. Place small scoops of ice cream or sherbet into the punch. Stir gently. Recipe serves about 32 (8-ounce servings).

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KidsSoup Membership

Mini Graduation Cap

picture of Lilly jumping rope

Preschool Pledge

I pledge to myself on this day
To try to be kind in every way
To every person big or small
I will help them if they fall
When I love myself and others too
That is the best that I can do.