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Fall Activities for Kids


Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin snack


Children will have fun creating a healthy snack.


  • 2–3 c. washed, raw pumpkin seeds

  • 1–2 tbsp. vegetable oil

  • Salt

  • Paper towels

  • Bowl

  • Baking sheet


Dry pumpkin seeds for one day on the paper towels. Mix pumpkin seeds and oil in bowl. Spread seeds evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes at 350°. Sprinkle with salt for a healthy snack.


Carve a pumpkin and save the seeds to roast.

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Movement Activities

picture of Lilly jumping rope

In the fall, squirrels are busy gathering and hiding nuts for the winter. Have children pretend to be squirrels gathering and hiding nuts while you sing a fun song about a little squirrel.

Click here for more movement activities