Fire and Firefighters Kids Craft
Fire Dog Cup PUppet

Children will develop fine motor skills and nurture their creativity
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View more firefigher crafts and activities
What you need:
Dog patterns
Styrofoam cup
Red construction paper
White construction paper
Small black pompom
Black Marker
Wiggly eyes
What you do:
Print dog pattern and trace helmet on red and dog ears on white construction paper. Cut out( Pic1.) With a black marker color black dots on the ears and glue to the front of paper cup (see pic2.) Glue pompom for its nose and wiggly eyes to the front and let dry ( Pic3.) Add glue to the helmet flap and attach to the top of the head( Pic4.) Add a mouth with a black marker. Insert your hand into the cup and use as puppet.
Additional Fire Prevention Online Resources
resources available
in our KidsSoup Resource Library:

Movement Activities

Firefighter's Workout
Firefighters need to stay healthy and strong to be able to carry the heavy fire equipments. Let children join you in a firefighter's workout. Do exercises like jumping jacks, leg lifts, running in place, and carrying buckets full of water from one place to another, etc.