Christmas Song for Children
12 Days of Christmas Song

Children will learn a popular Christmas song.
- Song printouts
- Felt board
The Twelve Days of Christmas Lyrics On the first day of Christmas, On the second day of Christmas, On the third day of Christmas, On the fourth day of Christmas, On the fifth day of Christmas, On the sixth day of Christmas, On the seventh day of Christmas, On the eighth day of Christmas, |
On the ninth day of Christmas, On the tenth day of Christmas, On the eleventh day of Christmas, On the twelfth day of Christmas,
12 Days of Christmas Remix
Make up new verses to the “12 Days of Christmas” song. Have children brainstorm gifts to replace the ones listed in the song. For example,
On the first day of Christmas
my best friend gave to me:
A movie on a DVD.
On the second day of Christmas
my best friend gave to me:
Two woolen mittens
And a movie on a DVD.
On the third day of Christmas
my best friend gave to me:
Three toy trains
Two woolen mittens
And a movie on a DVD.
Printables coming soon!
Additional Resources

Movement Activities

Jingle Bells: Give each child a bell on a ribbon and have them shake it while singing “Jingle Bells.”