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Christmas and Santa Kids Activities


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Movement Activities
santa activity


Children will use and develop gross motor skills..


  • Santa hat or red cloth


Play a game of “Drop Santa’s Hat” with children, a game similar to “Drop the Hankie.” Have children stand in a circle facing each other. One person is “it.” The person who is “it” walks around the circle and drops a Santa’s hat (or piece of cloth) at the feet of one of the players. That player then picks up the hat and chases “it,” who races around the circle, trying to get to the other person’s spot without getting tagged.


Santa, Santa, Reindeer (played like Duck, Duck, Goose)

Jingle Bells: Give each child a bell on a ribbon and have them shake it while singing “Jingle Bells.”


More ideas will be added soon

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Movement Activities

picture of Lilly jumping rope

Jingle Bells: Give each child a bell on a ribbon and have them shake it while singing “Jingle Bells.”

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