Turkey Thanksgiving Craft for Kids
Pumpkin Turkey

Children wil use and develop fine motor skills to create an art project for Thanksgiving.
Small pumpkin
Turkey pattern
- Wooden skewers
- Wiggly eyes
Craft stick
Craft paper
Print turkey pattern and cut out. Trace onto craft paper and cut out. Assemble turkey head and glue on craft stick. Glue a small feather on top of a large feather. Add glue to feather pieces and sandwich the wooden skewer between the two feathers. Repeat for the other feathers. Make a small cut on the top of the pumpkin to insert the craft stick head. Stick feathers behind the head.
Additional Resources

The Turkey In The Straw
The Wiggles MP3 Download
Turkey Rhymes

Five Fat Turkeys
Five fat turkeys, short and plump,
The first one hid way high upon a stump.
The second one said, “We should run, run, run.”
The third one said, “Or we’ll be done.”
The fourth one said, “I don’t want to be dinner.”
The fifth one said, “I wish I were thinner!”