Fall Activities and Games for Kids
I'm a Little Squirrel

Children will use and develop gross motor skills.
- Music
- Hula hoops
In the fall, squirrels are busy gathering and hiding nuts for the winter.
Play some music. Have children pretend to be squirrels gathering nuts. Use hula hoops for the “squirrels” to put their “nuts” in. When the music stops, the “squirrels” go “home” (hula hoops). Take away one hoop each time the music stops so that the “squirrels” have to share “homes.”
Have children pretend to be squirrels gathering and hiding nuts while you sing a fun song about a little squirrel.
I’m a Little Squirrel
(Tune: "I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a little squirrel, fuzzy and gray.
When fall comes, I gather nuts all day.
So that when the winter comes, you see,
I’ll have food for my family and me.
More Fun Games :
Acorn Hunt
Explain to children that squirrels hide nuts so that they will have food for the winter. Hide real acorns or paper acorns around the room and let children hunt for them. Let children take turns hiding and finding the acorns.
Tree Hop
Place hula hoops on the floor or outside in the lawn and ask children to hop from one tree to another.
Coordination/Gross Motor Skill:
Put acorns in a box. Have children take off their shoes and socks. Let them try to transfer acorns or nuts from one box to the next using their toes.
Squirrel and Nut
One child is chosen to be "it" and is given a nut to hold. The other children sit in a circle on the floor. They children on the floor put their arms to the back hands making a cup. "It" tiptoes around the outside of the circle and puts the nut into one of the outstretched hands. The child who receives it stands up and chases “it”. It runs around the circle and sits down on the empty seat.