Christmas Rhymes and Songs for Children
Reindeer Rhymes and Song

Children will learn Christmas songs and rhymes.
- Song printouts
- Felt board
Reindeer Pokey You put your right antler in You do the Reindeer Pokey You put your left antler in You do the Reindeer Pokey Additional Verses
Call Rudolph Eight little reindeer pulling Santa’s sled Seven little reindeer . . . He fell down and bumped his head. The elves called Santa and Santa said, “Call Rudolph!”
Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Rudolph, the red nosed (Put hands up like antlers.)
Five Little Bells Five little bells hanging in a row,
S-A-N-T-A He slides down the chimney with a big sack Eight little reindeer pull his sleigh
Here Is the Chimney
Here is the chimney
When Santa Comes Here Is Old Santa
Five Little Christmas Trees Five little Christmas trees (Hold up five fingers.) |
Printables coming soon!
Additional Resources


12 Days of Christmas
Sing this popular Christmas song with your children with the help of felt story pictures. Or make up new verses to the “12 Days of Christmas” song.

Here’s a Little Candle
(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
Here’s a little candle dressed in white,
Wearing a hat of yellow light.
When the night is dark, then you will see
Just how bright this light can be.
Here’s a little candle straight and tall,
Shining its light upon us all.
When the night is dark, then you will see
Just how bright this light can be.
Here’s a little candle burning bright.
Keeping us safe all through the night.
When the night is dark, then you will see
Just how bright this light can be!
The First Christmas
Author Unknown
Clop, clop, clop went the donkey’s feet,
Clop, clop, clop down the stony street.
Nod, nod, nod went Mary’s head.
She was tired, and she needed a bed.
Knock, knock, knock went Joseph at the door.
“Do you have room for anyone more?”
“No, no, no!” the innkeeper said,
“I don’t even have one more bed.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” the innkeeper said,
“You can use my stable for a bed.”
“Shh, shh, shh . . .What is that I hear?
The cry of Baby Jesus, oh so dear!”