Friendship Snacks and Recipes
FriendsHip SNack Mix

Children will enjoy making a friendship snack mix together.
- Assorted dried fruits: raisins, yogurt covered raisins, banana chips, dried apricot bits, dried cherries
- Assorted nuts (optional): peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts etc. (check for nuts allergies)
- Assorted mini-candies: M & Ms, gummy bears, chocolate chips, peanut butter chips etc.
- Assorted crackers and cereals: pretzels, Goldfish, Cheerios, Rice Chex etc.
- A large bowl
- A wooden spoon
- Small baggies or Dixie cups
Have each child bring in an item from the suggestions above to contribute towards a friendship snack. Let children add the items they brought to the bowl one at a time. Give each child an opportunity to mix everything gently with the wooden spoon. Divide the mix into small baggies or Dixie cups to take on a friendship nature walk or eat at snack tables.
Additional Friendship Resources and Books
Book Descriptions:
How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends
What if a dinosaur's friends come to play? This book will show children that "playing nice" can be easy and fun.
In this delightful and warm book, the author weaves a story of children helping others and leaving heartprints all along the way.
Friends come in all colours and sizes; they can be funny or serious, musical or athletic, outgoing or quiet. This book reminds children to celebrate their differences because that is what makes each of us so special.
Since We're Friends: An Autism Picture Book
An unnamed child tells about his friendship with Matt, a boy with autism.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Interactive Online Story
Two friends Vito and Vicky are writing each other Listen or read this cute online interactive story book that features the letter V.
Sign up for our Newsletter to get access to a new interactive story book each month!
Movement Activities

Friends Care
Friends care.
Friends share.
Friends are kind.
Friends don’t mind.
Good friends stick together.
Good friends are forever.

Friends at School
Friends at school
Are big and small.
Friends at school
Are best of all!