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The Five Senses Kids Activities and Crafts

Five Senses Craft

Scented Flowers
binoculars craft


Children will use and develop fine motor skills.


  • Flower printout
  • Cupcake liner
  • Large pompom or cotton ball
  • Perfume
  • Crayons, markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue


Print flower patterns. Let children color the flower and cut it out. Glue a cupcake liner on paper flower. Glue a pompom to the middle of cupcake liner and add some drops of perfume to the pompom. Hang on your bulletin board.

Variation: Add stems and leaves to make a flower garden.


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Additional Five Senses Resources

Available for our
Newsletter subscribers:
Picture of Resource

Flower pattern

More five senses
crafts available in
our KidsSoup Library:
















Binoculars Discovery
KidsSoup Membership

Movement Activities

picture of Lilly jumping rope

Smell Test

Place cotton balls in several paper cups. Drop a different extract such as vanilla, orange, peppermint, and lemon (or other substances safe to smell) into each cup. Let children smell and identify the odors.

Click here for more movement activities

Magnify It!

Provide a pair of binoculars and a telescope and let children explore outside, alternating between using the close-up and distant lenses. Provide magnifying lens for exploring inside. Have children describe what they can see with the binoculars, telescope, and magnifying lens that they can’t see without them.