Thanksgiving Activity
Thanksgiving Dinner

Children will be able to identify one-to-one correspondences.
Children will use number sense.
Paper plates
Safety scissors
Grocery store flyers
Glue stick
Before singing the song below, discuss with children what kind of food their family eats for Thanksgiving. List the food items on a large piece of paper or the board.
We Eat Turkey
(Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
We eat turkey
We eat turkey
Oh so good
Oh so good
Always on Thanksgiving
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum
Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Oh so good
Oh so good
Always on Thanksgiving
Always on Thanksgiving
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum
Additional verses:
Add your own favorite turkey day feast foods.
Give each child a paper plate, a pair of scissors, glue stick, and a Thanksgiving grocery store flyer. (You can pick them up for free at your local grocery store.) Have each child cut out the food items that they think they will be eating on Thanksgiving Day and glue them to their plate. Have children write the number of the items in the middle of plate. Let children share their plate and number with the other children.
Using a glue stick, attach each plate to the middle of a large sheet of construction paper (place mat). Glue plastic knives, forks, spoons, and paper napkins to the paper to make it look like a place setting. Attach the placemats to the wall to create a Thanksgiving bulletin board.
Thanksgiving Memory Game
Have players sit in a circle. The first player starts by saying, “At Thanksgiving dinner I ate turkey.” The next player must repeat this and add another dish, “At Thanksgiving dinner I ate turkey and cranberries.” The third player must repeat it and add yet another dish, “At Thanksgiving dinner I ate turkey, cranberries, and stuffing.” The game continues with each player adding an item to the menu after first listing all the previous items in the exact order in which they were first said. If a player makes a mistake, he/she is out and the game continues until there is just one person left.
10 Easy Thanksgiving Recipes for Kids
The Turkey In The Straw
The Wiggles MP3 Download
Turkey Rhymes

Five Fat Turkeys
Five fat turkeys, short and plump,
The first one hid way high upon a stump.
The second one said, “We should run, run, run.”
The third one said, “Or we’ll be done.”
The fourth one said, “I don’t want to be dinner.”
The fifth one said, “I wish I were thinner!”